Table of Contents
Criminal Law Enforcement Against Drug Dealers as Drug Abusers in Progressive Law
Abi Wahyu Prasetyo
Legal Analysis of Criminalization of Child Sexual Abuse Perpetrators Based on Social Justice (Case Study Number: 23/PID.SUS/2024/PN STG)
Adi Ary Susanto, Umar Ma'ruf
Implementation of Restorative Justice for Addicts in Drug Abuse Crimes
Afifah Afifah, Andi Winjaya Laksana
Diversion Method by Investigators in Resolving Cases of Children in Conflict with the Law
Afifat Agung Dwi Cahyono
Legal Review of Criminal Aspects in the Scope of Traffic
Agus Safrio
Legal Implications of Narcotics Crimes Based on Restorative Justice (Case Study of Case Number 79/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Mgg)
Anak Agung Gde Wira D.K
Law Enforcement Against Traffic Violations Resulting in Traffic Accidents with Damage to Vehicles or Goods
Anita Anita, Denny Suwondo
Analysis of the Implementation of Restorative Justice in Resolving Minor Assault Cases Based on Prosecutor's Regulation Number 15 of 2020
Anjar Jambore Widodo
Study of the Implementation of Law Number 1 of 1970 Concerning Occupational Safety at PT. PLN (Persero) Kudus Customer Service Unit
Anwar Cholish, Arpangi Arpangi
Formulation of Public Prosecutor's Authority in the Legal Certainty-Based Trial Process
Ari Andhika Thomas, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Optimization of Online Gambling Eradication in the Central Java Regional Police Area
Ari Pujianto
The Authority of the Public Prosecutor in Confiscating Evidence of Corruption at the Prosecution Stage
Arie Prasetyo
Police Actions Shooting Dead Muggers Based on Legal Legitimacy
Arief Wiratno
Optimizing the Role of the Police in Enforcing the Law on Online Gambling Crimes
Aris Setiyanto
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability of Child Perpetrators in the Crime of Sexual Intercourse (Case Study of Case Number X/PID.SUS-ANAK/2023/PN MGG)
Aryopie Sofian Sugiarto, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
Criminal Law Policy in Efforts to Overcome Traffic Accidents Based on Restorative Justice in the New Criminal Code
Aufa Salsabila
Effectiveness of Implementation of Restitution Payment Decisions for Victims of Fraud Crimes
Agung Jaya Kusuma, Jawade Hafidz
Effectiveness of Termination of Prosecution Implementation in Handling Minor Crimes Based on Restorative Justice (Case Study at the Central Java High Prosecutor's Office)
Brigitta Setyorini
Legal Review of Traffic Accidents Resulting in Death
Budi Harsudianto Setio Aji
The Role of SPN in Educating Prospective NCOs as Law Enforcers to Realize Precision Police
Chery Aditya Romiko
Protection of Human Rights in the Implementation of the Death Penalty in Indonesia: Legal Analysis and Recommendations for Reform
Cut Lia Marlina
The Role of Military Police in Handling Violations of Marital Law in the Military
Budi Laksono
Legal Protection Against Women Victims of Violence in The Household (Case Study in Balikpapan City Area)
Dani Nuraini
Manifestation of Restorative Justice by the Police in the Investigation Process of Minor Crimes
Dede Riyadi
Protection of Forensic Doctors in Identifying Victims of Mass Disaster Deaths in Yogyakarta
Dhiwangkoro Aji Kadarmo
Analysis of Legal Protection for Contract Employees in Cases of Unilateral Termination of Employment Based on Social Justice (Case Study of Layoffs in Central Java Region)
Dicky Hermansyah
Analysis of Judge's Decision on Criminal Acts of Obscene Acts Against Minors (Study of Decision on Case Number. 787/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Btm)
Dikky Zulkarnain Hutagalung
Strategic Steps of the Police in Eradicating Online Gambling
Didik Sulaiman
Application of the Ultimum Remidium Principle to Criminal Sanctions in Environmental Law Enforcement
Dinneke Absari Yoesanti
Legal Protection for Victims of Aggravated Theft Based on Social Justice
Agus Rusiyadi
Criminal Law Policy Based on Pancasila Values in the Framework of Strengthening Cyber Security
Doni Akbar Alfianda
Legal analysis of criminal liability for corruption From the perspective of justice (Study of Decision Number: 22/PID.SUS-TPK/2019/PN PTK)
Edi Marwan, Jawade Hafidz
The Role of the Police in Realizing the Effectiveness of Criminalization Against Drug Users Who Dominate the Courts
Eko Budiarto
The Influence of Regulation on the Development of the Islamic Banking Industry in the Era of Globalization
Eksan Wahyudi, Gunarto Gunarto
Bank Responsibility for State Officials' Transactions in the Effort to Prevent and Eradicating Money Laundering
Eri Suhendra, Aryani Witasari
Legal Protection For Child Victims Of Criminal Act Of Interception (Case Study Of Decision Number 160/PID.SUS/2023/PN.CLP))
Esa Hendra Himawan, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
Legal Protection for Food Suppliers in Hardship in Semarang City
Abdul Satar, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Legal Analysis Of Criminal Punishment Against Perpetrators Of The Criminal Act Of Theft With Violence Based On Social Justice (Case Study Of Decision Number: 382/PID.B/2021/PN.SMG)
Muhammad Abel Putra Mirzan, Jawade Hafidz
The Concept of Police Discretion Towards Children in Conflict with the Law
Agus Susilo
Search According To Criminal Procedure Law From A Human Rights Perspective
Abdul Muiz
Marriage Guardianship Law for Women in Fiqh, KHI and Supreme Court Decisions (Analysis of Religious Court Judges' Perceptions)
Ahmad Ali Akbar, Peni Rinda Listyowati
Analysis of Legal Protection for Victims of Drug Abuse in the Barelang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Batam City
Alex Yasral, Denny Suwondo
Law Enforcement of Narcotics Crimes Against the Use of Gorilla Tobacco Study of Decision no. 99/Pid.sus/2018/PN.PBM
Amar Yazid Bustomi, Aji Sudarmaji
Pancasila and the Objectives of the Development of Indonesian Criminal Law
Amirul Mukminin Suryoprobo
Investigation of Child Criminals Carrying Sharp Weapons in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System
Anang Patria Luhludy, Ahmad Hadi Prayitno
Effectiveness of Criminal Fines Implementation for Traffic Violators
Andhika Novian Dwi Chandra, Bambang Tri Bawono
Investigation of Criminal Acts of Theft Based on Restorative Justice
Andi Dwisantosa, Umar Ma'ruf
Restorative Justice Policy Analysis in Eradicating Corruption
Andi Hamzah
Police Efforts to Legitimize the Concept of Restorative Justice in the Judicial Process
Andi M Rahmat
Juridical Analysis Of Crimination Against Children As People Of Offenses The Crime Of Theft With Addiction
Apitta Fitria Rahmawati, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Criminal Responsibility Towards Children As Perpetrators Of The Criminal Act Of Interception
Ardinityaningrum Dwi Ratna, Ira Alia Maerani
Legal Analysis of the Concept of Legal Reform on the Regulation of Justice Collaborators in Efforts to Combat Corruption in Indonesia
Ardy Firnanda, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
Legal Protection for Creditors for the Transfer of Fiduciary Objects to Third Parties Without the Consent of the Creditor
Ari Yogatama, Arpangi Arpangi
Analysis of Criminal Liability for Money Laundering Crimes Originating from Corruption
Asrul Anwar, Denny Suwondo
Urgency of Informed Consent (Doctor's Consent) as Part of the Therapeutic Agreement at Bhayangkara Hospital, Semarang City
Atika Rachmawati
Effectiveness of State Financial Returns as a Settlement of Corruption Crimes Based on Benefit (Case Study: Tanjungpinang District Attorney's Office)
Bambang Wiratdany, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Analysis of Replacement Payments in Corruption Crimes Based on Justice
Beni Agus Setiawan
Legal Protection in Terminating Employment for Workers in Bankrupt Companies
Benny Hutahayan, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Legal Analysis Of Termination Of Drug Abuse Prosecution In The Framework Of Restorative Justice
Bilal Bimantara
Fulfillment of Restitution Rights for Victims of Child Sexual Violence from the Perspective of Legal Justice
Bram Dhananjaya, Andi Aina Ilmih
Legal Implications For Perpetrators Of Class I Narcotic Crimes Based On Justice
Budi Santoso
Legal Analysis of the Application of Criminal Sanctions for Theft with Weighting Based on Pancasila Justice (Case Study of Case Number 47/Pid.B/2023/PN Amp)
Bayu Aji Santoso
Ideal Formulation of Corruption Crime Investigation Conducted Under Certain Circumstances
Caswadi Caswadi, Andri Winjaya Laksana
The Existence of Regional Tax Regulations in Increasing Regional Original Income
Catur Deski Pamungkas, Sri Kusriyah
Plea Bargaining Policy by the Prosecutor's Office in the Framework of Accelerating the Settlement of Corruption Crime Cases
Cempaka Mahadewi, Ahmad Hadi Prayitno
The Authority of the Curator in Resolving Bankrupt Boedel of Companies Based on Legal Certainty
Chyntia Nuryanti
Implementation of Restorative Justice for Traffic Accidents that Caused Deaths and were Committed by Minors (Research at the Pekalongan City Police Department)
Dafit Dwi Saputra
Philosophy of Sociological Jurisprudence as a Reform in Criminal Law in Relation to Living Law in Society
Daniel Mangasi Pasaribu
The Role of Investigators in Investigating Tax Embezzlement Crimes (Case Study at Barelang Police Department)
Defli Dores, Denny Suwondo
Form of Police Discretion in Efforts to Terminate Criminal Cases
Desi Purwanti
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability for Human Trafficking Crimes Based on Justice
Desta Garinda Rahdianawati
Cybersecurity Based on Pancasila Justice and Sustainable Development in Human Resources: Cyber Law Perspective
Dewo Wishnu Setya Kusuma
Analysis of Judge's Decision in Case of Sexual Harassment by Doctor Against Patient
Dian Yuliani, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Effectiveness Of Legal Protection For Victims Of Mistake Arrest In Criminal Trial Process
Difa Maulana, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
The Role of Prosecutors in Enforcing Corruption Law at the Balangan District Attorney's Office with Legal Certainty
Dimas Satri Putra, widayati widayati
The Role of the Police in Eradicating Violent Theft in the Jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police
Dimas Widya Mahardika, Achmad Sulchan
Application of the Ultimum Remidium Principle to Criminal Sanctions in Environmental Law Enforcement
Dinneke Absari Yoesanti, Jawade Hafidz
Termination of Prosecution of Narcotics Crimes from the Pancasila Justice Perspective
Diyan Kurniawan, Taufan Fajar Riyanto
Legal Analysis of Child Criminal Case Settlement in the Perspective of Restorative Justice
Dika Surya Wibawa, Denny Suwondo
Legal Review of Asset Confiscation for Restitution in Human Trafficking Crimes Based on Justice Values
Dongan M.T. Sirait
Legal Analysis of Criminalization of Criminal Acts of Embezzlement Based on Justice (Study of Decision Number: 96/Pid.B/2023/PN PKL)
Doni Prakoso W, Aji Sudarmaji
Optimization of Eradication of Narcotics Crime in the Central Java Regional Police Area
Dwi Wasis Budiarto
Implementation of Dishonorable Dismissal of Police Members Who Commit Crimes to Realize Legal Protection and Certainty in the Riau Islands Regional Police
Eko Aprianto, Sugiharto Sugiharto
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability for Corruption in the Perspective of Justice (Study of Decision Number: 22/PID.SUS-TPK/2019/PN PTK)
Edi Marwan, Jawade Hafidz
Law Enforcement Against Road Traffic Violations Committed by Children
Eko Supriyono, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Implementation of Legal Protection for Third Parties with Good Faith in Corruption Court Decisions Regarding Replacement Money
Eko Wahyu Prayitno, Arpangi Arpangi
Case Report: Johnson’s Typology of Intimate Partner Violence in Violence Against Women in Unrequited Marriages
Endra Fatdiansyah
Effectiveness of Investigation of Fraud Crimes Using Love Scamming Mode at Barelang Police Resort, Batam City
Epri Chandra, Bambang Tri Bawono
Restorative Justice Policy by the Prosecutor's Office as the Effectiveness of Criminal Case Resolution
F. Rinawati
Legal Implications of Law Number 22 of 2022 on Guidance and Integration for Narcotics Prisoners
Fahrizal Aditya Rachman, Arpangi Arpangi
Comparative Legal Analysis of Village and Sub-district Personnel Administration Regulations
Faisal Iskandar
Criminal Aspects of Obstruction of Justice Actions Against Police Investigations
Faisal Suparjo
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability of Child Perpetrators in Cases of Abuse with Diversion Settlement (Determination Number 01/PenPid-Diversi/2024/PN Pdl)
Fajar Mauludi, Jawade Hafidz
Settlement of Criminal Acts of Abuse Through Restorative Justice
Fajar Nurhesdi, Achmad Arifullah
Position of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia in the Indonesian Constitutional System
Fandi Ilham
The Role Of The Bomb Disposal Sub Detacle In Handling Bomb Threats, Discoveries And Disposal In The Jurisdiction Of The North Sulawesi Regional Police
Farry F Turang, Eko Soponyono
Criminal Liability for Premeditated Murder Committed by Minors in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Positive Law
Fatikha Nurul Inayah, Taufan Fajar Riyanto
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability of Perpetrators of Sexual Intercourse Against Minors Based on Justice (Study of Decision Number 6/PID.SUS/2023/PN. PWT)
Febi Sekar Niluh
Legal Analysis Of Criminal Punishment Of Perpetrators Of Embasement Based On Human Rights (Case Study Of Criminal Case Decision Number: 14/PID.B/2023/PN.SGR)
Felix O. Joshua Tampubolon, Bambang Tri Bawono
Implementation of Restorative Justice in Resolving Criminal Acts of Defamation in Cyberspace (Case Study of Kendal Police Resort)
Fendi Setiawan, Gunarto Gunarto
Problems in the Implementation of Duties and Authorities of Supervisory Judges in Bankruptcy
Ferry Dewantoro Nugroho
Legal Review Of Fraud Criminal Act In Property Sale And Purchase Transactions
Ferry Sihaloho, Gunarto Gunarto
Legal Review Of Criminal Sanctions For The Illegal Sale Of Firearms Through E-Commerce Platforms (Case Study At The South Jakarta District Court)
Fitriana Fitriana, widayati widayati
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability for Perpetrators of Theft Crimes Based on Victim Protection (Study of Decision Number: 406/Pid.B/2021/PN SMG)
Galih Adiamas Setyadi, Achmad Sulchan
Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Implementation on Embezzlement Cases in Progressive Law Perspective (Case Study: Polda Metro Jaya)
Gana Yudha Pratama, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Legal Protection for Victims in Corruption Court Decisions Related to Replacement Money
Freddy Dwi Prasetyo Wahyu, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
Reversed Proof in Law Enforcement of Money Laundering Cases Originating from Corruption
Gandhi Muchlisin
Improving the Performance of the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the Pati Police in Serving the Community to Realize Humanistic Police Services
Hafid Amin, Denny Suwondo
Legal Review of the Position and Role of Dissenting Opinion and Concuring Opinion in the Decisions of Constitutional Court Judges
Hajir Alamsyah, Nanang Sri Darmadi
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability for Fraud Based on Social Justice (Case Study of Decision: Number 245/PID.B/2024/PN.BJM)
Hanafi Alief Lastiqa, Achmad Sulchan
Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability of Perpetrators of Violent Extortion
Hanif Aryoseno, R. Sugiharto
Criminal Liability for Perpetrators of Narcotics Trafficking Crimes Based on Positive Law in Indonesia (Case Study: Decision Number 152/Pid.Sus/2024/PN Smg)
Harris Cahya Fadila, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Settlement of Traffic Accidents Resulting in Death Using Restorative Justice Approach
Hasanuddin R.DG. Liwang, Arpangi Arpangi
The Role of Investigators in Resolving Criminal Acts of Abuse Resulting in the Death of the Victim
Kristono Indra Yulianto, Muhammad Ngazis
The Role of the Police in Combating the Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages Based on Justice Values (Case Study: Demak Police)
Ksatria Yudistimedika Putra, Andri Winjaya Laksana