Analysis of Judge's Decision on Criminal Acts of Obscene Acts Against Minors (Study of Decision on Case Number. 787/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Btm)

Dikky Zulkarnain Hutagalung


Indonesia is a developing country that continues to innovate in its development system, including in the economic sector. National development based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution aims to create a society that is prosperous physically and mentally, just, prosperous, and equal. The purpose of this study: To find out, analyze the Law Enforcement of Criminal Acts of Obscene Acts Against Minors in the Decision on Case Number. 787/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Btm and To find out, analyze the Application of the Child Protection Law Against Indecent Crimes in Decision 787/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Btm. This study uses a normative legal approach, with a descriptive analytical research method. The data used are primary and secondary data which will be analyzed qualitatively. The research problems are analyzed using the theory of justice, the theory of punishment. The application of the Child Protection Law ensures that child victims of indecent crimes receive special protection during the legal process. This includes protection from public exposure and further psychological impacts. Children's rights to psychological and social support must be fulfilled, including access to therapy and counseling to help them recover from the trauma they experience. The legal process must be carried out in a manner that is sensitive to the emotional and psychological needs of child victims. The collection of information and the involvement of children in the judicial process must be carried out with their welfare in mind. Child victims must be accompanied by legal or psychological counselors to ensure that their rights are protected and the judicial process does not add to their mental burden. The Decision of Case Number 787/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Btm shows the effective implementation of the Child Protection Law in dealing with indecent acts against children. By utilizing the provisions of this law, the court seeks to ensure that the perpetrator receives appropriate punishment and the victim receives the necessary protection and support. Law enforcement that focuses on child protection and the imposition of strict penalties is an integral part of preventing similar crimes and ensuring justice for children as victims.


Law Enforcement, Indecent Acts, Against Children

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