Settlement of Traffic Accidents Resulting in Death Using Restorative Justice Approach

Hasanuddin R.DG. Liwang, Arpangi Arpangi


Traffic accidents resulting in death are a serious problem that not only causes material losses, but also leaves trauma for the victim's family. The criminal justice system often does not fully provide justice for all parties involved. The restorative justice approach is present as an alternative in handling these accident cases, where the main focus is on the recovery and fulfillment of the needs of the victim and the perpetrator, through a mediation and reconciliation process aimed at reaching a peaceful agreement. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, which aims to understand the role of the restorative justice approach in resolving traffic accident cases that cause death. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with law enforcement officers, the victim's family, and the perpetrator of the accident. Data analysis was conducted thematically to identify important patterns in the case resolution process through a restorative approach. The results of the study indicate that the restorative justice approach can provide a more balanced sense of justice for all parties involved. This approach allows perpetrators to be held accountable for their actions and provide compensation to the victim's family. In addition, this approach also helps restore damaged social relationships and reduces the potential for further conflict. Thus, restorative justice can be an effective alternative in the criminal justice system related to traffic accident cases.


Traffic Accidents, Fatal Victims, Restorative Justice, Mediation, Reconciliation

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