Legal Protection for Victims in Corruption Court Decisions Related to Replacement Money

Freddy Dwi Prasetyo Wahyu, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih


This study aims to describe and analyze legal protection for victims in corruption court decisions related to replacement money. This study uses a socio-logical legal approach method that is descriptive analytical in nature. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature studies, which are then analyzed qualitatively. Based on the study, it is concluded that (1) legal protection for victims in corruption court decisions related to replacement money is carried out by depositing replacement money to the victim's agency. The Public Prosecutor in his/her indictment submitted a demand for replacement money to be returned to the victim's agency, to be considered in the Judge's decision. However, its implementation has not been optimal; (2) obstacles in legal protection for victims in corruption court decisions related to replacement money, among others, can be seen from the following aspects: (a) legal substance, namely: (i) the Corruption Crime Law has not provided legal certainty for victims, (ii) there are no regulations regarding the mechanism for victims to take their rights; (b) legal structure, namely: (i) there are still Public Prosecutors who have not demanded that replacement money be paid to the victim, (ii) law enforcers lack expertise and skills in handling corruption; and (c) legal culture, namely: (i) differences in views of law enforcers regarding the purpose of replacement money payments and (ii) differences in understanding regarding victims of corruption. As for the settlement efforts, in terms of: (a) legal substance, namely: (i) reconstruction of Article 18 of the Corruption Crime Law and (ii) the establishment of regulations on state agencies to take their rights, (b) legal structure, namely: (i) training in handling and recovering victim losses, (ii) the establishment of a state loss recovery team, (iii) establishing a discussion forum between law enforcers and representatives of government agencies, and (c) legal culture, namely: (i) public awareness education and (ii) establishing an independent institution to ensure that agency rights have been protected in every court decision.


Legal Protection, Victims, Court Decisions, Corruption Crimes, Replacement Money Crimes

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