Protection of Human Rights in the Implementation of the Death Penalty in Indonesia: Legal Analysis and Recommendations for Reform

Cut Lia Marlina


The death penalty has become a controversial topic in the criminal law system in Indonesia and presents serious challenges related to the protection of human rights. This study presents a comprehensive legal analysis of the implementation of the death penalty in Indonesia with a special emphasis on human rights aspects. Through in-depth research on related laws and policies as well as concrete case studies, the author identifies a number of critical issues involving human rights in the process of implementing the death penalty. This study also proposes various recommendations for reform aimed at improving and strengthening the Indonesian criminal law system in the context of the death penalty. These recommendations include changes to legislation, improvements in legal procedures, and increased awareness of human rights at the government and community levels. In line with Indonesia's commitment to universal human rights principles, these recommendations are expected to pave the way for positive change in the application of the death penalty and ensure more effective protection of human rights in the Indonesian criminal law system. The research method used is a descriptive analytical legal research type, which means that it obtains a direct, clear and systematic picture related to the facts of the problem being studied in full. The approach method in this study uses a normative legal approach method. The results of the study indicate that the application of the death penalty in Indonesia is a gross human rights violation that deprives a person of the right to life. Therefore, in deciding the death penalty, many considerations must be made by the judge. In the context of human rights, it can be seen that the application of the death penalty is not in sync with one of the true objectives of punishment, which is to improve the perpetrators of crimes, but the application of the death penalty does not provide an opportunity for the perpetrators to improve themselves. Alternative punishments that need to be sought and applied in sentencing perpetrators who do not violate human rights are through reform and legal renewal.


Death Penalty; Human Rights; Reform

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