Bank Responsibility for State Officials' Transactions in the Effort to Prevent and Eradicating Money Laundering

Eri Suhendra, Aryani Witasari


This study aims to determine and analyze the treatment of banks towards state officials' transactions and the bank's responsibility for state officials' transactions in the effort to prevent and eradicate money laundering. The approach method in this study is sociological juridical. The research specification is analytical descriptive research. The data required includes field research data taken using the interview method and library research data. The data analysis method uses qualitative data analysis. Based on the research, it was concluded that banks implement further due diligence or Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) on state administrators' transactions in an effort to prevent and eradicate money laundering. The bank's responsibility for the state administrator's transactions has legal consequences in the form of administrative sanctions by the Financial Services Authority.


Responsibility, Bank, Politically Exposed Persons, Money Laundering

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