Comparative Legal Analysis of Village and Sub-district Personnel Administration Regulations

Faisal Iskandar


This study aims to analyze the regulation of personnel administration at the sub-district level in Indonesia, especially in the context of the Regulation of the Implementation of Personnel Administration implemented in the Sub-district and comparing it with the regulations in the Village. The method used in this study is normative legal research with a comparative approach, which is descriptive and analytical, and uses secondary data from literature studies. The results of the study indicate that sub-districts face various challenges in human resource management, including a shortage of adequate employees, inflexibility in the recruitment process, and the impact of the plan to eliminate honorary workers in 2024. In addition, there is a significant disparity between the personnel mechanisms in sub-districts and villages, where sub-districts are bound by stricter regulations and rigid bureaucracy. This study recommends the need for a more responsive and adaptive reformulation of personnel regulations to improve the capacity of sub-districts in providing optimal public services and meeting community needs.


Personnel Administration, Sub-districts and Public Services

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