Optimization of Online Gambling Eradication in the Central Java Regional Police Area

Ari Pujianto


That the advancement of information technology in addition to bringing positive impacts also brings negative impacts on people's lives, one of which is in terms of providing developments in the modus operandi of crimes in the current digital era or it can also be said to provide a basis for the creation of cyber crime. This writing aims to analyze legally regarding the effectiveness of eradicating online gambling crimes in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police. The method in this study is sociological legal. Based on the analysis carried out, law enforcement cannot be carried out because there are no reports from the public accompanied by evidence. This results in the ineffectiveness of eradicating online gambling crimes in the jurisdiction including in the Central Java Regional Police area. Cyber crime is defined as an illegal activity with a computer intermediary carried out through a global electronic network. Online gambling is categorized as a cyber crime because in committing its crimes, online gambling uses computers and the internet as a medium to commit the crime of gambling. Gambling is basically contrary to religious norms, morality, and Pancasila morals, and can be dangerous for the survival of society, nation and state. Gambling is a violation of social culture in Indonesia. Proof of online gambling can be done by using proof of transfer and e-mail. This suggests that eradicating online gambling is more difficult because it uses sophisticated technological media and is carried out by parties who have digitalization expertise.


Gambling, Online, Optimization, Eradicatio

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.%25p


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