Criminal Liability for Perpetrators of Narcotics Trafficking Crimes Based on Positive Law in Indonesia (Case Study: Decision Number 152/Pid.Sus/2024/PN Smg)

Harris Cahya Fadila, Andri Winjaya Laksana


Law enforcement against narcotics crimes according to the Narcotics Law is subject to criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment, fines, life imprisonment and other sanctions as considered by the judge in Decision Number 152/Pid.Sus/2024/PN Smg, so it is interesting to study how criminal liability is for perpetrators of crystal methamphetamine narcotics crimes in the Semarang City area. The purpose of this study is to analyze criminal liability for perpetrators of narcotics trafficking crimes, analyze the obstacles to criminal liability for perpetrators of narcotics trafficking crimes and solutions to these obstacles. The approach method used in this study is the sociological legal method. The results of this study are (1) Criminal liability for perpetrators of narcotics trafficking crimes, as in Decision Number 152 / Pid.Sus / 2024 / PN Smg, reflects the application of the theory of criminal liability which requires the fulfillment of elements of unlawful acts, errors, and capacity to be responsible. DEP, who consciously and intentionally sells, possesses, and stores narcotics in the form of crystal methamphetamine without rights, has fulfilled these elements in accordance with Article 114 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Through strong evidence, DEP was found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of IDR 1 billion, which reflects legal accountability for his actions. This decision is not only a form of individual responsibility of the perpetrator but also an instrument of justice that provides a deterrent effect and maintains social order. (2) Obstacles in criminal accountability for perpetrators of narcotics trafficking crimes, when analyzed through Lawrence M. Friedman's legal system theory, include weaknesses in legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture. The legal substance does not clearly distinguish between addicts and dealers, creating gaps in interpretation that are detrimental to justice. The legal structure has weaknesses in the management of evidence, which reduces the credibility of law enforcement officers. Legal culture shows the influence of internal factors such as egoism and trauma on the perpetrators. The solution includes revising the legal substance to clarify the role of the perpetrator, implementing a technology-based evidence management system and strengthening character education.


Criminal Accountability; Perpetrators; Narcotics.

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