Legal Analysis Of Termination Of Drug Abuse Prosecution In The Framework Of Restorative Justice

Bilal Bimantara


The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the implementation of cessation of prosecution of drug abusers within the framework of restorative justice, to examine and analyze the termination of prosecution of drug abusers within the framework of restorative justice in the future. Method
The approach of this study is included in sociological research. The restorative justice approach in handling drug abuse in Indonesia, as regulated in the Attorney General's Guidelines No. 18 of 2021, emphasizes medical and social rehabilitation as an alternative to criminal punishment for addicts who meet legal requirements. This policy aims to restore individuals, reduce prison overcapacity, and create more humane law enforcement. The Netherlands and Australia offer progressive models that emphasize harm reduction, rehabilitation, and social reintegration through decriminalization policies, safe consumption spaces, diversion programs, and drug courts. Indonesia can adapt these elements, such as decriminalization of light users and community-based programs, to improve the effectiveness of drug handling in a more humane, holistic, and social justice-based manner.


Drug Abusers; Restorative Justice; Restorative Justice

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