The Role of Investigators in Resolving Criminal Acts of Abuse Resulting in the Death of the Victim

Kristono Indra Yulianto, Muhammad Ngazis


This study aims to determine and analyze the role of investigators in resolving criminal acts of abuse resulting in the death of the victim, obstacles and solutions. The approach method is sociological juridical, the research specification is analytical descriptive, the data used consists of primary data and secondary data. The method of data collection is through field studies and literature studies, while the method of data analysis is qualitative. The theory used in this study is the theory of roles and law enforcement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the role of investigators in resolving criminal acts of abuse resulting in the death of the victim is very important, considering that investigators are the front line in the criminal justice process. Obstacles faced by investigators in resolving criminal acts of abuse resulting in death are that the crime scene has changed, the perpetrator has removed evidence, there are threats from the perpetrator to the victim's family, difficulty finding people who are willing to be witnesses and witnesses are not cooperative. The solution is to appeal to the community to help secure the crime scene, track the location of the disposal of evidence, convince the victim's family that the police will help uncover the perpetrators of abuse, provide an understanding to the community about the obligations of the community to become witnesses and their legal protection, examine witnesses with a persuasive approach.


role; investigator; criminal act of abuse; death.

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