Legal Analysis of the Implementation of the Insurance Policy Guarantee Program Based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector

Giovani Giovani


The Policy Guarantee Program is a manifestation of the seriousness of the Indonesian Government in dealing with the rampant cases of default by Insurance Companies that have occurred for almost 1 (one) decade since the enactment of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2014 concerning Insurance, with the main objective of protecting policyholders and/or insured. This study aims to determine the regulations for the Implementation of the Policy Guarantee Program based on the PPSK Law and the implications of the presence of the Policy Guarantee Program for Insurance Companies, Policyholders and/or Insured, and the Deposit Insurance Agency. The method used in this study is normative juridical using the Legislation and Case Approach approaches. The research specification used is analytical descriptive, namely research that aims to provide a detailed, systematic, and comprehensive description of something related to the problem, by describing the applicable laws and regulations related to the regulation of the implementation of the policy guarantee program. The results of this study indicate that the Policy Guarantee Program contains 5 (five) scopes of regulation, namely the Scope of Participation, Guarantee, Funding and Contributions, Guarantee Mechanism, and Organizing Institution. The implications of the presence of the Policy Guarantee Program give birth to new rights, obligations, and authorities, especially for the Deposit Insurance Institution which plays a dual role as a Regulator, Liquidator, Reinsurer (Reinsurer), and can even act as a GMS. Not only LPS, Insurance Companies and/or Sharia Insurance Companies are required to become Participants in the Policy Guarantee Program and fulfill all new obligations imposed as participants. As for policyholders and/or insured, although the PPSK Law does not explicitly regulate new obligations for policyholders and/or insured, the existence of new obligations imposed on Policy Guarantee Program Participants can have an impact on the transfer of obligations from participants to policyholders and/or insured, especially in terms of burdening payment of contributions packaged in the form of expensive insurance premiums for policyholders and/or insured.


Insurance, Policy Guarantee Program, Legal Protection

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