Implementation of Restorative Justice in Resolving Criminal Acts of Defamation in Cyberspace (Case Study of Kendal Police Resort)

Fendi Setiawan, Gunarto Gunarto


The development of social media is getting faster along with the development of science and technology and reaching all levels of society. Social media combines elements of information and communication, internet networks through several features for the needs of its users. Some of the information we now receive can be through status uploads or stories on the WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook applications, sharing news links, communication via chat, audio/visual communication and others are superior features of social media. With the development of applications that we can easily access on smartphones, if used positively, it certainly brings benefits, but it can also be misused so that various crimes arise. In the Police itself, crimes using internet media/social media have increased significantly, one of which is the crime of defamation. From the background description above, the author tries to dig deeper into Restorative Justice in resolving cyber crimes of defamation, so the author takes the thesis title Implementation of restorative justice in resolving criminal acts of defamation in cyberspace (Case study of the Kendal Police Resort). The approach method used in this study is sociological juridical. The specification of the research approach used is descriptive analytical. The sources and types of data used are primary data and secondary data. This study uses data collection techniques in the form of field studies at the Kendal Police and literature studies. The results of the study obtained are, Settlement of cases with a Restorative justice approach so as not to give rise to diversity in the administration of investigations/investigations and differences in interpretation of investigators and deviations in their implementation, guidelines for handling are needed according to Perka Polri Number 8 of 2021.


Restorative Justice, Criminal Acts of Defamation; Cyberspace

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