Legal Protection For Child Victims Of Criminal Act Of Interception (Case Study Of Decision Number 160/PID.SUS/2023/PN.CLP))

Esa Hendra Himawan, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih


The Republic of Indonesia is a country based on law or a country of law. Children are a group that is very vulnerable to sexual violence because children are always in a weak or helpless state when threatened not to tell what they have experienced. The increasing number of immoral cases, both sexual violence and intercourse against children in society reflects the weak law enforcement in Indonesia so far. This thesis aims to determine the legal protection for child victims of sexual intercourse in court decision number 160/pid.sus/2023/pn.clp and to analyze the obstacles faced in legal protection for children and their solutions. The approach method used in this study is the normative legal approach, the research specifications used are descriptive analyst, primary and secondary data sources and using qualitative analysis. This writing analyzes the Problem with the theory of Legal Protection and the theory of justice in court decision number 160/pid.sus/2023/pn.clp. Based on the results of the research in this study in Decision number 160/pid.sus/2023/PN Clp, it seems that there is a lack of legal protection for children as victims of sexual intercourse. The judge in deciding this decision is only punitive (punishing) which means only considering the contents of the indictment from the public prosecutor, and does not consider the protection of child victims. Although compensation restitution can be submitted separately. Based on its development, many laws regulate restitution and compensation Perma Number 1 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Submitting Restitution and Compensation Article 5. In efforts to provide legal protection for child victims of sexual intercourse, sometimes several obstacles are encountered, namely Children who are not open in providing information, Facilities and Infrastructure. To Overcome the Obstacles Found Several Increased coordination and cooperation between the police, authorities, justice, courts and the government, Increase the Number of Personnel and Build cooperation with social institutions, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions, and Increase the provision of infrastructure.


legal protection, child victims, sexual intercourse

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