Legal Analysis of Criminal Liability for Children as Perpetrators of Criminal Acts in the Perspective of Substantive Justice (Study of Decision Number: 33/PID.SUS-ANAK/2023/PN CLP)

Daryoko Daryoko, Sugiharto Sugiharto


Crime as a form of human behavior that is very detrimental to society, because it threatens the norms that underlie life or social order can cause individual tensions, as well as social tensions. The incidents of these crimes in Indonesia are not only committed by adults, but also children can become perpetrators of crimes, many of which have even touched on the realm of sexual intercourse. The crime of sexual intercourse by children against children is part of the morality regulated in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. The problem in this study is to determine and analyze the criminal liability of children as perpetrators of criminal acts in Decision Number 33 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2023 / PN Clp. And to determine and analyze the decision of the Cilacap District Court judge Number: 33 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2023 / PN Clp. from the perspective of substantive justice. The research approach used in this study is through a normative legal approach using secondary data obtained through literature studies, then data analysis is carried out using qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the study, in the Criminal Liability of Children in Decision Number 33 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2023 / PN Clp, child perpetrators who are over 14 years old have met the requirements to be held criminally responsible in accordance with the SPPA Law. Because the crime he committed has a criminal threat of more than 7 years, diversion cannot be applied. While the decision of the Cilacap District Court judge Number: 33 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2023 / PN Clp. in the perspective of substantive justice by the panel of judges sentenced him to 2 years in prison and a fine replaced with 3 months of job training. This decision was based on legal and non-legal considerations, as well as existing facts and evidence, so it was considered to have fulfilled the aspect of substantive justice.


Accountability, Children, Intercourse

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