The Role of the Police in Eradicating Violent Theft in the Jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police

Dimas Widya Mahardika, Achmad Sulchan


The purpose of this study is: 1). to study and analyze the role of the police in eradicating violent theft in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police; 2). to study and analyze the obstacles to the role of the police in eradicating violent theft in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, with a descriptive analytical research method. The data used are primary and secondary data which will be analyzed qualitatively. The research problems are analyzed using Lawrence Friedman's legal system theory and the Theory of Legal Objectives. The results of the study conclude that: 1) the role of the police in eradicating violent theft in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police is to carry out preventive efforts, namely prevention of violent theft. Repressive efforts, namely taking action against perpetrators of violent theft through investigation and inquiry; 2). Obstacles to the role of the police in eradicating violent theft in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police include: (a) the integrity factor of law enforcers, (b) legal factors, (c) the lack of officials carrying out the function of supervising investigations, (d) the factor of imposing sanctions on investigators who are proven to have committed violations in the investigation process. Efforts to overcome obstacles require fostering the professionalism and integrity of police members on duty in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police, namely the law must provide strict sanctions for perpetrators of violent theft, investigative officials must optimize their duties and obligations as investigators, if investigators violate their duties, they must be sanctioned administratively and in accordance with the provisions of the police code of ethics.


Police, Criminal Acts, Theft

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