Legal Analysis of Judges' Decisions That Are Not In Accordance with the Justice Values of the Litigating Parties

Dhea Ramdhani Pangestu


This research aims to analyze what the judge considers in deciding cases so that they are in accordance with the justice values of the litigants and the judge's efforts in deciding cases so that they are in accordance with the justice values of the litigants. This research uses a sociological juridical approach, namely this research only focuses on the results of interviews, in this case it will examine how the judge's efforts in deciding cases are in accordance with the justice values of the litigants. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the judge's consideration in deciding the case is deemed not to be in accordance with the justice values of the parties. We already know that in litigation there must be proven arguments so that the decision fulfills the justice values of the parties involved in the case, but there are still some people who think the judge must be able to decide as fairly as possible but base the decision on the judge's beliefs and the fulfillment of two pieces of evidence. The judge's efforts in deciding cases are in accordance with the justice values of the litigants, firstly upholding procedural law, secondly upholding professional ethics, listening patiently, deciding impartially and weighing wisely and using the principle of listening to both parties.


Decision, Justice, Litigants.


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