Vol 3, No 2 (2024)

June 2024

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.2

Table of Contents


The Legal Responsibility of Perpetrators of the Crime of Sexual Intercourse Against Children (Decision Study No. 24/PID.SUS/2023/PN.PWT)
Avindra Yoka Anandya Guna
The Criminal Law Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers as Victims of Human Trafficking Crime
Amingga Meilana Primastito
The Juridical Analysis of Proving the Legality of Crypto Currency in Money Laundering Crime Cases
Dimas Eriangga Putranto
The Criminal Responsibility for Perpetrators of Criminal Acts of Persecution That Cause Serious Injuries (Case Study Decision Number 255/Pid.B/2021/PN.Mjl)
Diding Sunandi
Legal Analysis of Disparity in Judges' Decisions Regarding the Implementation of the Element of State Financial Loss in Corruption Crimes
Galang Nugrahaning Tunggal
The Role of Curators in Optimizing The Assets of Bankruptcy Debtors in The Form of Shares to Settle The Company's Debts
Ucok Nainggolan
The Role of the Police in Overcoming Traffic Violations Committed by Children
Abdul Kodir
Formulation of Law Enforcement Against Illegal Mining Crimes
Adi Candra
The Role of Criminal Law in Cyber ​​Crime Regarding Personal Data Protection in Indonesia
Adinda Evita Puspa
Legal Legitimacy of Police Authority to Investigate Corruption Crimes
Aditya Dwi Santoso
The judge's considerations in handing down an acquittal verdict due to the removal of the authority to prosecute the crime of adultery continue
Agung Bowo Laksono
The Role Of The Central Java Regional Police In Empowering Diversion In Justice-Based Handling Of Child Crime
Agus Djunaedi
Application Of Restorative Justice In Terminating Investigations Of Criminal Acts Of Abuse At The Demak Police
Ahmad Anies
The Role of Restorative Justice in Investigations
Ahmad Syahmudin
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Forgery of Documents in the Form of Land and Building Asset Valuation Reports Conducted by the Public Appraisal Services Office (KJPP) Study of Criminal Decisions at the Bangil District Court No: 179/PID.B/2018/PN.BIL Dated July 3 2018
Ahmah Zaidi
The judge's ijtihad methodology in implementing inheritance based on obligatory wills for foster children who are equated with adopted children is based on justice
Amhal Khairul Falah
The Effectiveness Of Law Enforcement Against Criminal Acts Of Physical Violence In The Household At The State Attorney Of Central Lombok
Andi Dian Kusuma Lantara
Development of Human Rights in the Digital Era: Data Protection and Privacy
Andi Hamzah
Implementation Of Replacement Money Payments With Confidential Assets Owned By The Offender In Corruption Crime Cases (Case Study at the Wajo District Prosecutor's Office)
Andi Trismanto
Effectiveness of Termination of Prosecution of Narcotics Abusers Based on a Restorative Justice Approach
Arin Pratiwi Quarta
Overview of Criminal Aspects in the Oil and Gas Sector
Bagus Satrio
Juridical Analysis of the Urgency of Restorative Justice in Resolving Minor Crime Cases
Basmal Dewantoro
Implementation of Termination of Prosecution for Detention Crimes Through a Restorative Justice Approach (Case Study at the Banjar Regency District Prosecutor's Office)
Bima Syahputra Marsana
Law Enforcement Against Narcotics Crimes Based on Law Number 35 of 2009 (Study Decision Number 72/PID.SUS/2023/PN.PKL)
Bramastya Naramitra Tri Yunanto
The Urgency of Restorative Justice in Narcotics Crime Cases in Indonesia
Budi Nugroho
Authority of the Prosecutor's Office in Judicial Review
Buyung Anjar Purnomo
Disparity in Judges' Decisions in the Application of Legal Sanctions for Election Crimes
Citra Suherman
Effectiveness Of Implementing Justice-Based Immigration Administrative Actions (Case Study: Non TPI Pati Class I Immigration Office)
Dadiyo Setiono
Analysis of the Legal Liability Relationship Between Hospitals and Patients in Health Services
Ratna Kumalasari
Legal Construction of the Application of the Death Penalty in Indonesia
Danang Sefrianto
Law Enforcement Analysis of the Crime of Illegally Transporting Protected Animals Alive (Decision Study No. 617/Pid.B/LH/2022/PN Smg)
Daryanto Daryanto
Implementation of the Policy for Terminating Prosecution of Crimes of Narcotics Abuse Through a Restorative Justice Approach in the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Regulations (Case Study at the Takalar District Prosecutor's Office)
Dian Syah Putri
Juridical Analysis of the Investigation and Investigation Process by the Police in Revealing Criminal Acts of Fraud and Embezzlement to Create Legal Certainty
Dimas Andhi Cipta Negara
Law Enforcement by the Police Against Online Gambling Crimes
Dimas Kurniawan
Legal Responsibility of Perpetrators of Traffic Violations That Cause Victims to Die at the Barelang Resort Police
Dinda Permatasari
Juridical Analysis of the Use of Criminal Reports as a Basis for Delaying the Issuance of Sailing Approval Letters on MT Ships. Sea Tanker II
Donald Tambunan
The Urgency of Implementing the Termination of Prosecution of Narcotics Addicts Based on Restorative Justice (Case Study of KN.Surabaya)
Duta Mellia
Implementation of Electronic Land Rights Certificate at the Land Office
Dwi Rinto Yulias Setyono
Implementation of Parate Executie on Fiduciary Guarantees After the Constitutional Court Decision
Eben Ezer Sitinjak
Effectiveness of Determining Business Process Maps in Preventing Maladministration in the Delivery of Public Services
Edy Hermanto
Legal Protection Of Children As Criminal Offenders Of Narcotics Abuse
Elvi Wahyuni
Juridical Analysis of Disparity in Case Costs Against Defendants Sentenced to Life Imprisonment
Enggar Wicaksono
Contract Transformation in the Digital Era Electronic Transactions in the Online Kebaya Rental Business
Erin Oktaviana Winarta Putri
Regulation and Application of Criminal Sanctions on Narcotics Abuse (Study Decision Number 230/Pid.Sus/2018/PN.SMG)
Ernala Adhyaksa Baskita Purba
The Concept of Restorative Justice in Terminating Prosecution for Minor Crimes
Faisal Amin
Analisis Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemegang Hak Cipta Lagu Pada Aplikasi Tiktok
Faisal Sistyananda
Legal Protection of Transfer of Receivables to Third Parties (Cessie) Against Debtor Debt Collateral
Farda Tamama Al Khikami
Analysis of Criminal Liability for Perpetrators of the Crime of Theft with Aggravation
Faza Izza Alami
Legal Protection Of Land Rights Owners Due To Land Mafia Crimes Based On Justice
Fonus Hary Christanto
Professional Independence of Judges in Enforcing the Law in Court According to an Islamic Legal Perspective
Ghani Hakim
The Authority Of The Prosecution In Restorative Justice Resolution Of Children's Cases Based On Justice Values
Hafiz Kurniawan
Criminal Law Policy In Enforcing Law Imposing Sanctions Of Restitution For Victims Of Crime
Handoko Handoko
The Function of the Prosecutor's Office in Realizing Restorative Justice at the Prosecution Stage
Hariawan Sutaryo
Effectiveness of Implementing Diversion as a Justice-Based Effort to Prevent Child Punishment
Heriyadi Heriyadi
Legal Assistance Policy for the Poor in the Criminal Justice System from a Human Rights Perspective
Hesti Martiningsih
Juridical Analysis of Punishment of Perpetrators of Crimes of Domestic Violence Based on Justice (Decision Study No. 58/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Date)
Hilda KJusuma Wardani
Carrying Out Investigations Into Land Crimes In Eradicating Land Mafia Syndicates
Husen Asnawi
The Role of Investigators in Law Enforcement of Crimes of Sexual Violence in the Household Perpetrated by Fathers Against Their Children (Case Study of the Brebes Resort Police)
I Dewa Gede Ditya Krishnanda
Comparison of the Development of the Criminal Punishment of Castration in Various Countries and Indonesia
Ida Ayu Putu Camundi Dewi Dewi
Implications of Criminal Law in the Scope of Health Services
Ihda Muharromah
The Role of the Police in Preventing Misuse of Firearms by Civil Society
indra novianto
Optimizing the Eradication of Online Gambling Crimes in Demak City
Indra Siswoyo
Legal Protection for Alleged Medical Malpractice Crimes Based on Justice Values
Ingga Javanie
Living Law as Reform in Criminal Law
irwan setiyono
Legal Protection Of Consumer Personal Data In E-Commerce Transactions
Irza Rizky Ashar
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Restorative Justice in Handling Narcotics Addicts by the Prosecutor's Office as an Implementation of the Dominus Litis Principle
Isnan Ferdian
Legal Analysis of Medical Record Documents on the Protection of Patient Rights
Izdilaf Lailal Muna Hadi