Implementation Of Replacement Money Payments With Confidential Assets Owned By The Offender In Corruption Crime Cases (Case Study at the Wajo District Prosecutor's Office)
The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of replacement money payments by confiscating assets belonging to perpetrators in cases of criminal acts of corruption; to find out and analyze obstacles in the implementation of replacement money payments in the form of confiscation of assets belonging to perpetrators in corruption cases and their solutions; to find out and analyze the effectiveness of implementing replacement money payments by confiscating assets owned by perpetrators in cases of criminal acts of corruption. This research is included in the sociological research tradition, namely research that examines the application of legal rules or norms using legal science and social science approaches. The process of implementing the decision on replacement money carried out by the prosecutor goes through the court stage, the auction stage, and the payment stage for replacement money. The effectiveness of implementing replacement money payments by confiscating assets owned by perpetrators in corruption cases can be seen from 3 (three) Weaknesses in legal substance: the lack of regulation of the criminal issue of replacement money in existing anti-corruption laws. Weaknesses of the legal structure: This problem stems from one problem, namely the lack of adequate human resources to cover this problem. Ideally, when it comes to calculating the amount of loss, it must be carried out by an institution that has competence and is professional in its field, for example the BPK or a public accounting firm (auditor) which operates in this field. Weaknesses of legal culture: the social reality of many Indonesian people still views corruption as a solution and alternative to anticipate future economic difficulties. This thought was ultimately used as a justification and excuse for those who were corrupt.
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