Effectiveness of Termination of Prosecution of Narcotics Abusers Based on a Restorative Justice Approach
Punishment of narcotics and dangerous drug abusers has proven to be ineffective. This is a common thread in law enforcement against narcotics users. The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of cessation of prosecution of Narcotics Abusers Based on the Restorative Justice Approach; identify and analyze obstacles in implementing the termination of prosecution of Narcotics Abusers Based on the Restorative Justice Approach. determine and analyze the effectiveness of terminating prosecution of Narcotics Abusers Based on the Restorative Justice Approach. The approach method used in this research is the normative juridical approach. In principle, narcotics abusers are guaranteed medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation as regulated in article 4 point (d), and also Article 54 of the Narcotics Law. However, because the Indonesian Criminal Justice System adheres to the principle of legality, in general practice, all narcotics cases include narcotics users. For those who are not dealers, they are usually also processed legally in accordance with legal norms. Obstacles to the prosecutor's office in implementing efforts to stop prosecutions with restorative justice that often occur include the following: There are disparities in the legal process, obstacles also arise from addicts and narcotics abusers (external factors) such as being involved in narcotics trafficking networks. The effectiveness of stopping prosecutions by the Prosecutor's Office using a restorative justice approach based on legal system theory, there are several weaknesses in terms of legal substance, namely the absence of stopping prosecutions using restorative justice in the Criminal Procedure Code, in terms of legal structure, differences in understanding regarding restorative justice between law enforcers, in terms of current legal culture, narcotics addicts most were sentenced to prison and rarely sentenced to rehabilitation measures.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.2.%25p
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