Effectiveness Of Implementing Justice-Based Immigration Administrative Actions (Case Study: Non TPI Pati Class I Immigration Office)

Dadiyo Setiono


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the effectiveness of the process of terminating the prosecution of general criminal cases based on Restorative Justice after the Jampidum Circular Letter Number: 01/E/EJP/02/2022 at the Cilacap District Prosecutor's Office. Know and analyze the obstacles and solutions in terminating the prosecution of general criminal cases based on Restorative Justice at the Cilacap District Prosecutor's Office.The approach method used in this research is an empirical juridical approach. The results of this research are that the implementation of immigration administrative actions reflects the value of justice where administrative law enforcement procedures refer to the general principles of good governance so that procedural law is based on control mechanisms and guarantees of justice in the enforcement process. The effectiveness of the implementation of administrative actions at the Class I Non TPI Pati Immigration Office was declared less effective. This is assessed from the five factors of legal effectiveness, only one factor is fulfilled, namely the legal culture factor. It can be said that the legal culture here has been fulfilled because the community plays an active role in providing information to the immigration authorities regarding violations of the residence permit period committed by foreign citizens. Internal obstacles include that the Immigration PPNS is still a job that is attached to an existing field or activity, so that the investigative tasks which are the responsibility of the Immigration PPNS cannot be fully handled, the Immigration Detention Center at the Class I Non TPI Pati Immigration Office is still inadequate. the quality of resources is still inadequate. External obstacles include miscommunication or differences in perception between the police and the prosecutor's office in assessing the completeness of a case file. Lack of caution or accuracy on the part of the authorized agency in issuing population documentation to someone who is suspicious.


Administrative; Immigration; Justice.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.2.%25p


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