The Urgency of Restorative Justice in Narcotics Crime Cases in Indonesia
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of restorative justice in narcotics crime cases in Indonesia. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. The Restorative Justice legal policy implemented by law enforcers is interesting to research, especially in law enforcement in narcotics cases. In the context of law enforcement, law enforcement officers must be careful in determining the legal status of someone involved in a narcotics crime, because often perpetrators of narcotics crimes who are narcotics dealers and dealers confess and/or create an alibi as narcotics addicts with the aim of getting a light sentence or rehabilitated. Narcotics crimes in Indonesia are currently the most dominant type of crime compared to other crimes. Based on data from the Directorate General of Corrections, the number of inmates in correctional institutions (prisons) with narcotics crimes was 145,413 people or 96% were drug convicts. A total of 116,930 drug convicts were categorized as dealers. Meanwhile, another 28,483 inmates were drug users as of August 2021. Cases that contribute to overcrowding in prisons and detention centers are narcotics cases, so in order to anticipate overcrowding, different punishments can be made for drug dealers, users and drug abusers.
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