flight_takeoff Announcements

Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam has been accredited by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education on 26 September 2019 No. SK. 28/E/KTP/2019. In order to improve the quality of the journal both the substance of the article and journal governance. Ulul Albab on 28 November 2019 entered into a collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Islamic Family Lecturers (ADHKI).

In the latest issue, Ulul Albab experienced many improvements to improve a journal accreditation standard. Among them is the use of reference managers in citations and references, each article is reviewed by 2 reviewers and changes the template with standard A4-size paper. Due to the high number of submissions, Ulul Albab increased the number of articles published to 7 articles.

Call for Papers

Call for High Quality Papers

Vol. 8, No. 1, October 2024

Focus: Islamic Philanthropy (Zakat, Waqaf, Sadaqah) and Islamic Law

Submission Deadline: July 2024

Website: https://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/ua/index
Author Guidelines: https://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/ua/about/submissions#authorGuidelines
Jurnal Template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VPTAXrJNud6TMlS0Z1U_vfGwsWh8YJJz/view

Email: jurnalululalbab@unissula.ac.id
Contact: +6281359100363

1 - 1 of 1 Items

ULUL ALBAB: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam
Published by Department of Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Jl. Kaligawe Ray KM. 4 Semarang, Indonesia
Phone: +62 81359100363
Website: http://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/ua
Email: jurnalululalbab@unissula.ac.id


ISSN: 2597-6168 (Print)
ISSN: 2597-6176 (Online)
DOI : 10.30659/jua

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