Journal Information
Journal Title in ROAD ISSN | EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture |
Short Title | Edulite |
Abbreviation | EduLite J. English Educ. Lit. Cult. |
Language | English |
Publication Frequency | 2 issues every year (February and August) |
DOI Prefix by Crossref | 10.30659/e |
ISSN in LIPI | 2528-4479 (online); 2477-5304 (printed) |
Management Style | Open Access |
National Accreditation | The 2nd Grade on Sinta: Scientific and Technology Index (SINTA2) |
Subject Areas | English Education, Literature, and Culture |
Chief Editor | Dr. Didik Murwantono, M.Hum ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Citation Analysis | DOAJ; Dimensions; OpenAIRE; Google Scholar |
Publisher | Language and Communication Science Faculty Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA), Indonesia in collaboration with Persaudaraan Dosen Republik Indonesia (PDRI) |

EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture is a high-quality open access peer-reviewed research journal which publishes meaningful manuscripts within the fields of teaching English as a first, second or foreign language, English language teaching and learning, English language teachers' training and education, English language and literary studies, literatures, as well as cultures and language (more on focus & scope). Intentionally, this journal hopefully provides some valuable references and guidance to enhance people's knowledge and understanding on English language teaching education, literary works, and their implications to modern-into-postmodern cultures, both in Indonesia and other countries in the world. At last, the journal is really expected to have positive significant impacts on individuals, society, and the nations. It is published by College of Languages and Communication Science (former Language Faculty), Universitas Islam Sultan Agung twice a year in February and August. The article submission, as well as the review process, are not subject of any charge (FREE), but the publication fee (ONLY if published). It has been accredited LEVEL 2 or SINTA 2 on 1 April 2024 by Indonesia Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology as an achievement for the excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition was published in Director Decree (No. SK: 72/E/KPT/2024) and effective until 2027. This journal also has become a member of CrossRef. Therefore, all articles published by this journal will have unique DOI number.
Organization Partners
EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture collaborates with Persaudaraan Dosen Republik Indonesia (PDRI).
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The Change of Article Template |
To improve the acceptability of Edulite's performance regarding the government's rule and the international standard on journal's template, we have made some changes in the template of article since the publication of Volume 3, Number 2, August 2018. |
Posted: 2018-11-05 | More... |
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Vol 9, No 2 (2024): August 2024
Table of Contents
The effectiveness of project-based learning by using Canva application on students’ descriptive writing achievement
Riki Ruswandi, Wahyu Satya Gumelar, Annisa Salsabila Ermaya, Gigin Ginanjar
Generic structure and appraisal use in English article reviews written by Indonesian EFL doctoral students
Sri Wuli Fitriati, Betari Irma Ghasani
Applying small group discussion to improve the ability to convey opinions orally on recount text material
Muhammad Andriana Gaffar, Wahyu Satya Gumelar, Huswatun Hasanah, Laila Putri Fadilah
AR and VR Content Integration: Project-Based Task Quality and Effect in Reading Comprehension
Wahyunengsih Wahyunengsih, Didik Murwantono
Think-Aloud Protocols in process studies revisited: Suggestions for veridicality
Sugirin Sugirin, Jamilah Jamilah, Joko Priyana, Indah Permatasari
The effectiveness of the problem-based learning method by using Song Lyrics to improve students’ speaking skills
Wahyu Satya Gumelar, Nur Shintia Apriani, Neng Rina
Millennial generation's steps: weaving cultural heritage through pambiwara courses at Permadani studio
Sudarsana Sudarsana, Mahendra Wijaya, Sri Hilmi Pujihartati, Marimin Marimin, Yustia Atsanatrilova Adi
English teacher personality and professionalism on tenth-grade student motivation at vocational schools
Nunuk Indarti, Imroatul Hasanah
Exploring the influences of surrounding environments on students' habits
Fitriyani Bakri, Abd Halim, Muhammad Hasbi, Nur Mutmainna Halim
The translation of Satan’s Slave 2 Communion: An analysis of pronoun usage in movie translation from Indonesian to English
Amanda Widhi Swetika, Prihantoro Prihantoro
Blindfold game in vocabulary mastery enhancement to Indonesian EFL young learners
Bulan Catur Permatasari, Choiril Anwar, Kurniawan Yudhi Nugroho, Nani Hidayati
Pre-/in-service teachers’ creativities: behind the creation of multimodal digital storybooks
Siti Tarwiyah, Nuna Mustika Dewi, Suja'i Suja'i