Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar

Journal Information
Journal Title in ROAD ISSNJurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar
Short TitleJIPD
AbbreviationJ. Ilmiah. Pend. Das.
LanguageEnglish and Bahasa Indonesia
Publication Frequency2 issues every year (January and July)
DOI Prefix by Crossref10.30659/pendas
ISSN in BRIN2685-211X (online); 2354-9580 (printed)
Management StyleOpen Access
National AccreditationThe 3rd Grade on Sinta: Scientific and Technology Index (SINTA3)
Subject AreasPrimary education; elementary schools
Chief EditorDr. Muhamad Afandi, M.Pd. 
Citation AnalysisDOAJ; Dimensions; GarudaGoogle Scholar
PublisherFaculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA), Indonesia
in collaboration with Asosiasi Doktor Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia (ADPENDSI).


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The Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar (JIPD) is a high-quality access peer-reviewed research journal that publishes meaningful manuscripts in fields of study including teaching, curriculum, management, guidance and counseling, and psychology in elementary schools (more on Focus & Scope). It is hoped that this journal will provide several valuable references and guidelines to increase public knowledge and understanding of teaching education in elementary schools and its implications by developments in science and technology both in Indonesia and other countries in the world. Finally, this journal is truly expected to have a significant positive impact on individuals, society, and the nation. This journal is published by the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sultan Agung Islamic University twice a year in January and July. Submission of articles, as well as the review process, does not incur any fees (FREE), but publication fees (ONLY if published). This journal was accredited LEVEL 3 or SINTA 3 on April 7 2022 by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education as an achievement for excellent quality in management and publication. This recognition was published in a Director's Decree (SK Number: 105/E/KPT/2022) and is valid until 2026. This journal has also become a member of CrossRef. Therefore, all articles published by this journal will have a unique DOI number.

Organization Partners

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar (JIPD) collaborates with Asosiasi Doktor Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia (ADPENSI).

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar has been indexed by

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The Changes of Article Template

To improve the acceptability of Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar performance regarding the government's rule and the international standard on journal's template, we have made some changes in the template of article since the publication of Volume 1, Number 1, January 2014.   
Posted: 2024-08-17 More...
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Vol 11, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar

Author geographical coverage: Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia

Table of Contents


The role of the learning community as a means of developing teacher professionalism in elementary schools
Indah Sari Agustin, Erna Zumrotun
Comparison of snowball throwing and jigsaw learning models on science learning outcomes regarding human blood circulation in elementary schools
Fika Habib Kurniawan, Lilik Bintartik, Surayanah Surayanah
Flipbook food chain in an ecosystem to improve learning outcomes in elementary school
Anik Hariyastuti, Sri Wardani, Tri Joko Raharjo, Bambang Subali, Nuni Widiarti
Misconceptions of science learning on force and motion material for elementary school
Widi Ika Maryani, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo
Interactive learning media: javanese children songs for third-grade students
Natara Krisna Kusuma, Alfi Laila, Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda
Effect of interactive learning media: numeral snakes and ladders on clock reading and arithmetic operation for elementary students
Kartika Satya Noviafitri, Miftakhul Huda, Taufiq Satria Mukti, Faridah Hanim Binti Yahya
Development of peer tutoring-based training to improve elementary school teacher competence in making merdeka curriculum lesson plans
Javid Nama Ayu Laksmi, Mawardi Mawardi, Wasitohadi Wasitohadi
Building 21st-century skills through the recent behavioral learning for students outcome
Dinda Karunia Putri, Putri Sarah Zainovi, Singgih Aulia Hanip, Wiryanto Wiryanto, Julianto Julianto
Introducing regional culture: analysis of curriculum management with local content of banyumasan culture at elementary school indonesia
Ulpah Maspupah, Novi Mayasari, Muhammad Nur Huda
Analysis of numeration literacy ability in solving hots questions on two-dimensional figure material fifth-grade students
Rida Fironika Kusumadewi, Marevic Jean P. Lutog, Cinta Jenitra Jihan Aretosa, Hastomo Hastomo