Differences in Determining Ramadan and Shawwal: A Discourse Analysis of the Book Nusus al-Akhyar fi al-Shaum Wa al-Ifthar

Ika Wahyu Ningsih*    -  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Anwar Sarang, Rembang, Indonesia
Fitri Febriyanti  -  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Anwar Sarang, Rembang, Indonesia
Iqbal Ainur Rizki    -  Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, New Zealand

(*) Corresponding Author

Supp. File(s): Research Instrument

The phenomenon of differences in the implementation determination of Eid al-Fitr in 1418 H was regretted by the Indonesian people. Responding to the emergence of differences in the determination of 1418 H, KH Maimoen Zubair through his work Nusuus al-Akhyar fi Al-Shum wa Al-Iftihar intends to provide solutions to Muslims in Indonesia in facing the differences surrounding the determination of Eid al-Fitr. This type of research is qualitative research with the research approach used being discourse analysis initiated by Van Dijk. The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data are in the form of lexemes, words, phrases, and sentences in Arabic that contain ideas about the determination of the beginning of the month of Ramadan and Shawwal in the book. Secondary data come from sources, journals, print media, online journalism, and other scientific works to find out the context of social situations that can influence the writing of the book. Data collection methods in this study are interviews and literature study. The results showed that the linguistic aspect that stands out in the discourse of persuasion is the invitation to promote unity in the midst of controversy over differences in each group; the author's ideology appears in the title, the lexemes "judge" and "hilal"; the pronouns of the time and person in the text indicate that there is a different social context from the current condition. The social conditions that appear in the book are the differences in the method of determination by Indonesian Mass Organizations and the emergence of certain polemics in 1998.

Supplement Files

Keywords: Maimoen Zubair, Discourse Analysis, Nuṣūṣ al-Akhyār fī Al-Ṣhoum wa Al-Ifrhār’s Book

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ISSN: 2597-6168 (Print)
ISSN: 2597-6176 (Online)
DOI : 10.30659/jua

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