Criminal Aspects of Obstruction of Justice Actions Against Police Investigations
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the criminalization of obstruction of justice actions against police investigations. In this writing, the author uses a normative legal method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. The crime of Obstruction of Justice is a serious thing that can be done by someone who intentionally prevents, hinders, or directly or indirectly thwarts a police investigation or criminal law process. The problem of overcoming the crime of Obstruction of Justice, of course, cannot be separated from the context of the discussion regarding criminalization policies. Criminalization policies are policies in determining an act that was originally not a criminal act (not punishable) to become a criminal act (an act that can be punished). So in essence, criminalization policies are part of criminal policy using criminal law (penal) means so that they are part of criminal law policies (penal policy). Although Obstruction of Justice has the potential to be dangerous in the law enforcement process, its implementation is rarely applied and implemented in law enforcement. This may be due to differences in perception by law enforcement officers.
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