Legal Implications of Law Number 22 of 2022 on Guidance and Integration for Narcotics Prisoners
This study aims to identify and analyze the implementation of Law Number 22 of 2022 on Corrections on guidance and integration for narcotics prisoners at Class IIB Penitentiary Pangkalan Bun. The method used in this study is the sociological juridical method with a descriptive analytical approach. Data were obtained through field studies, interviews with informants, and document analysis. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of Law No. 22 of 2022 provides greater opportunities for narcotics prisoners to obtain integration rights, such as parole and leave before release, without the condition of becoming a justice collaborator. This implementation has proven effective in reducing the number of inmates' violations during the coaching process, although there are still obstacles related to institutional capacity and human resources. This study suggests increasing cross-sector cooperation and strengthening inmate independence programs to support sustainable reintegration. Legal Implications of the Implementation of this Law in Pangkalan Bun Class IIB Prison show an increase in the number of inmates involved in the coaching program and who receive integration rights.
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