Pancasila and the Objectives of the Development of Indonesian Criminal Law

Amirul Mukminin Suryoprobo


For the Indonesian people, the development of national law needs to be carried out not only to follow/cope with developments in society, but the development of national law must be carried out by the Indonesian people because the current law - especially criminal law - is largely a legacy of the colonial government. As an independent country, developing laws that are in accordance with state principles is a must. This requirement is stated in the Indonesian constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, legal development, which is a series of processes from rule breaking then followed by rule making, contains an understanding that what must be done in legal development is not only changing the texts of the articles in the law. -law but more than that changing the spirit of the law itself so that it conforms to the ideology of the Indonesian nation, namely Pancasila. Basically, the development of national law is to reconstruct the law so that it is in accordance with the soul or personality of the Indonesian nation, as well as in an effort to keep up with developments in society and. Therefore, the development of national law should be based on the values that exist in society, which are believed to be true and binding on society, meaning that they serve as guidance in life. Based on this, in carrying out the development of national law it must be based on the principles contained in Pancasila values because Pancasila values are actually the crystallization of religious values and traditional values which are believed to be true by the Indonesian people and are a guide to life.


Criminal; Religious; Value.

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