The Role of the Police in Realizing the Effectiveness of Criminalization Against Drug Users Who Dominate the Courts
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the Police scheme in realizing the effectiveness of criminalization against drug users who dominate. In this writing, the author uses a normative legal method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. Police Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2021 was enacted with the consideration that the Police of the Republic of Indonesia needs to realize the resolution of criminal acts by prioritizing restorative justice that emphasizes restoration to its original state and a balance of protection and interests of victims and perpetrators of criminal acts that are not oriented towards punishment is a legal need of society. As well as realizing the effectiveness of punishment that has implications for the problems of Indonesian corrections. The police took the initial step in implementing the concept of restorative justice through one of the policies taken by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia by enacting Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of Criminal Acts Based on Restorative Justice. Settlement of narcotics cases through Restorative Justice not only involves investigators and suspects but also involves several institutions.
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