Development of Creative Alternative Assessments for Mathematics Learning Using a Design Thinking Approach
Abstract. Alternative assessments in mathematics education face several challenges that need to be designed to measure students' abilities holistically. The objectives of this research are: 1) to determine the feasibility of developing creative alternative mathematics assessments using a design thinking approach, and 2) to assess the effectiveness of mathematics learning using alternative assessments with a design thinking approach. The research sample consists of graduate students from the Mathematics Education program at PGRI University Semarang. This study employs the development model proposed by Plomp J and Nieveen N. The development of creative alternative mathematics assessments using a design thinking approach is analyzed through: a) pretest data, b) posttest data, and c) effectiveness analysis, including n-gain calculations (pretest-posttest) and completeness testing. The findings indicate that: 1) the development of creative alternative mathematics assessments with a design thinking approach is deemed feasible for use, and 2) the effectiveness of alternative mathematics assessments using a design thinking approach is evidenced by: a) an increase in the average learning outcomes of students before and after using the creative alternative mathematics assessment with a design thinking approach, and b) student learning outcomes meeting the completeness criteria when using the creative alternative mathematics assessment with a design thinking approach.
Keywords: Development; Alternative Assessment; Mathematics Learning; Design Thinking
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