The Effect Of Soybean Extract Nanoemulgel (Glycine max (L.) Merill) On The Number Of Fibroblasts In The Healing Process Of Traumatc Ulcers (In Vivo Study on White Wistar Rats)

Fabela Artha Anjani*  -  , Indonesia
Anggun Feranisa  -  , Indonesia
Rosa Pratiwi  -  , Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author
Background: Traumatic ulcers are a common oral lesion
characterized by epithelial damage caused by trauma. They can heal
spontaneously within 7-10 days but may develop into chronic ulcers if
untreated. Current treatments like hyaluronic acid gels are effective but costly
and can cause hypersensitivity reactions. This study aimed to analyze the effect
of soybean extract (Glycine max (L.) Merill) formulated as a nanoemulgel on
fibroblast proliferation during traumatic ulcer healing.
Method: An in vivo study using male Wistar rats was conducted. Thirty rats
were divided into five groups: nanoemulgel soybean extract at concentrations
of 50%, 60%, and 70%, a positive control group (hyaluronic acid gel), and a
negative control group (gel base). Treatments were applied daily for five days,
after which fibroblast proliferation was evaluated histologically. Statistical
analyses included Shapiro-Wilk, Levene's test, One-Way ANOVA, and Post
hoc tests.
Results: The 50% nanoemulgel soybean extract group showed the highest
fibroblast count among treatment groups, indicating its potential in promoting
ulcer healing. However, hyaluronic acid gel outperformed other groups.
Variability in nanoemulsion preparation likely influenced the fibroblast count.
Conclusion: Nanoemulgel soybean extract demonstrates promising effects on
fibroblast proliferation in traumatic ulcer healing, particularly at 50%
concentration. Despite limitations in preparation, the results highlight its
potential as an alternative to conventional treatments. Further studies should
optimize the formulation and assess its toxicity.

Keywords: Traumatic Ulcer; Fibroblast Proliferation; Soybean Extract; Nanoemulgel; Wound Healing.

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