Rizki Amalina*  -  , Indonesia
Islamy Rahma Hutami  -  Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author

Background: Dental and oral health problems in Indonesia are still high due to the low number of health workers, both dentists and dental nurses. Therefore, the prevention and promotion of dental and oral health services must be improved formation of dental health cadres in a community. Islamic boarding schools are places of Islamic learning where students or santri live permanently and study together with teachers or Kiai. In a pesantren learning environment, it is essential to pay attention to health, especially the condition of the teeth and mouth, so as not to interfere with the learning process. This community service aims to form cadres and carry out dental and oral health checks by dentists and dental co-operative students, Faculty of Dentistry, Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Semarang.
Method: In addition, this activity also aims to change students' behaviour thus they put more attention of the condition of their oral cavity and know the importance dental and oral care treatments according to their oral condition. With direct counselling provided by dentists, the cadres gain understanding and knowledge about the oral cavity, including the arrangement of teeth, various kinds of dental and oral problems, and how to treat them. In addition, the cadres also received training on how to brush their teeth with the right brush and toothpaste provided by the Co-assistant of dental students.
Result: With the formation of 12 cadres, it is suggested that promotive, preventive, and referral activities for dental and oral health problems in the Asshodiqiyah Islamic boarding school can continue to run to reduce dental and oral health problems.
Conclusion: Cadre activities for students and brushing teeth together can increase knowledge in the field of dental and oral health and the ability to clean the mouth teeth of PP students. Asshodiqiyah. This activity was also able to increase the awareness of the students to be more active in caring for and maintaining the health of their teeth and mouth.

Keywords: Santri Cadre; dental and oral health extension; dental and oral health problems.

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