The Influence of Training, Competence and Career Development on Employee Performance at PT Jasa Raharja Lampung Branch
Globalization demands a rapid and dynamic technological development process in various sectors of life, including in the banking business. The banking business is a business that has a high level of competition, so it requires quality human resources to continue to exist and be able to face competition. Companies expect quality employees to be able to produce maximum work at efficient costs. The higher the quality of employees, the higher the level of employee performance in carrying out the tasks assigned to them, so that it can encourage increased effectiveness and efficiency of the output that will be produced by employees. This research is an explanatory research. According to Sugiyono, explanatory research is a research method that intends to explain the position of the variables studied and the influence between one variable and another. The main reason this researcher uses the explanatory research method is to test the proposed hypothesis, so it is expected that this study can explain the relationship and influence between the independent and dependent variables in the hypothesis. These variables include: Training, competence, career development, and employee performance.
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