Innovation Ability and Performance of Police Personnel Through Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Precision Culture and Police Technical Education
This study aims to analyze the influence of knowledge sharing practices, precision work culture, and police education on innovation capabilities, as well as their impact on personnel performance at the Professional Development and Security Division (BIDPROPAM) of the KEPRI Police. The research problem addressed in this study is how innovation capabilities are influenced by knowledge sharing practices, precision work culture, and police education in an effort to improve personnel performance at the institution. This research employs explanatory research, using data collection methods through surveys with a Likert scale, where the scoring of respondents' answers ranges from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The population in this study consists of all 83 personnel in the BIDPROPAM KEPRI Police, and the sample used is the same group of personnel. Data analysis is conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results of the study show that: (1) the higher the knowledge sharing behavior of an individual, the higher their innovation capabilities; (2) the better the precision work culture, the better the innovation capabilities; (3) the higher the police education attended by the personnel, the higher their innovation capabilities; and (4) the higher the innovation capabilities of the personnel, the better their performance. These findings highlight the importance of developing precision work culture, continuous police education, and knowledge sharing practices to enhance innovation capabilities and ultimately improve personnel performance at the BIDPROPAM KEPRI Police.
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