The Influence of Principal Management and Teacher Competence on Student Discipline at SMK NU Ungaran, Semarang Regency
Discipline is one of the serious concerns in educational institutions, in schools there is still indiscipline that occurs, so that appropriate handling is needed to reduce and prevent indiscipline in schools. Principal management has a role in the student discipline program as well as teacher competence, where teachers must have adequate competence. This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of: 1) principal management on student discipline at SMK NU Ungaran, Semarang Regency. 2) teacher competence on student discipline at SMK NU Ungaran, Semarang Regency, and 3) principal management and teacher competence together on student discipline at SMK NU Ungaran, Semarang Regency. The type of research used in this study is explanatory research, the data sources in this study are the principal, teachers, and students. The data collection techniques used were literature study and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques used were instrument tests, classical assumption tests and hypothesis testers. From the results of the hypothesis test, it was found: (1) there is a positive influence of principal management on student discipline which is stated by the equation Ŷ = 157.765 + 0.116 X_1, the correlation strength is 0.730 and the influence is 67.2%, the first hypothesis is proven. (2) there is a positive influence of teacher competence on student discipline which is stated by the equation Y ̂ = 165.099 + 0.126 X_2. The correlation strength is 0.140 and the influence is 58.5%., the second hypothesis is proven. (3) there is a positive influence between principal management and teacher competence together on student discipline which is stated by the equation Y ̂ = 157.765 + 0.116 X_1 + 0.051 X_2. The correlation strength is 0.708 and the influence is 70.8%. The third hypothesis is proven. The suggestion from this research is that principals and teachers should try to improve their managerial skills and competencies.
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