Author Guidelines
Title is Written Here using Tahoma Font Size 14 according to The Journal Scope (1-16 words)
Author's Name1) & etc.2)
1)Affiliation/Institution, Country, E-mail: ………..
2)Example: Faculty of Economic, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA) Semarang, Indonesia, E-mail: …………….
Abstract. The abstract needs to summarize the contents of the paper and the research objectives. Abstracts must contain a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 300 words/characters in italics. The font size should be set in Tahoma 11 points and should be inserted 1.0 cm from the right and left margins (top 4, left 4, bottom 3, right 3). Blank lines (20 points) must be inserted before and after the abstract. Then include research and analysis methods. Finally, the conclusion section contains new novelty from the research.
Keywords: Keywords-1; keyword-2; keyword-3 (word by word based on Alphabetical order A-Z min.3-max.5)
1. Introduction
In all published journals, all must be in English with Tahoma font size 11, single spaced. If it's still in Indonesian, you can ask for help from a translation service first. This template was created to make it easier for writers from Indonesia. In the introduction, please explain the background of this research, the GAP and the last sentence which shows references from previous original sources to distinguish new articles from novelty. This Word document can be used as a MH journal template. The introduction must be clear and provide an overview of the problem that will be discussed in the text, explaining the gap between what should be and what is actually/facts in the field. Starting from paragraph 1, make a quotation from the journal source. It would be better to include previous research results published in other online journals. The introduction is made between 5-8 paragraphs.
At the end of the paragraph, the writer should end with an opinion about the importance of problem identification. The introduction ends with the research objectives. Citations and bibliography use American Psychological Association/APA Style with bodynote example for book (Handoko et al., 2020: 9). And the reference will be written à Handoko, B.L., Lindawati, A.S.L., Budiarto, A.Y. 2020. Using Mixed Reality to Provide Experience for Internship Students in the Field of Auditing Studies During Covid 19. In The 2020 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-commerce Engineering (EBEE 2020), December 29-31, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand. ACM, New York, NY, USA. And for journal (Victoria,, 2020: 397-407) so the reference will be written--> Victoria, Ong Argo. Ade Riusma Ariyana, Devina Arifani. 2020. Code of Ethics and Position of Notary in Indonesia. Sultan Agung Notary Law Review, Vol. 2 No. 4: p.397-407, Doi: 10.30659/sanlar.2.4.397-407,
Last paragraph: This research aims to.....
Writing bodynote is similar to the Bibliography/Reference List, only for books the pages are deleted in the order of the Author's Name. Year. Title Italics. City: Publisher. page. For journals with italics, the name of the journal is not the title. Meanwhile, the rest of the Bibliography/Reference List is the same as above. Let's give an example bodynote no. 1 example of a reference from a journal, then from a book, then the internet, then regulations, interview, etc.
2. Research Methods
The main text must be written using Tahoma, 11 pt, full justify. Italics can be used for foreign language emphasis and boldface should be avoided except for sub-chapters. Research methods consist of: types of research, approach methods, research specifications, data collection methods and data analysis methods, without needing to provide an understanding.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Titles, tables and figures
Contents of the manuscript.
Contents of the manuscript.
Contents of the manuscript.
Contents of the manuscript.
Contents of the manuscript.
Table. Please follow the formatting instructions for headings given in Table 1. Table Title. All included tables must be referenced in the main text and the table title and description placed above the table. The information must be written in Tahoma, 9pt with all horizontal lines.
Table 1.Table title. The table title should always be placed above the table.
Title level | Example | Font size and style |
Title (middle) | Core | 16 points, bold |
Level 1 title | 1 level 1 | 11 points, bold |
Level 2 title | 1.1 2nd level | 10 points, bold |
Tier 3 title | Title.The following text… | 10 points, bold |
Level 4 title | Comment.The following text… | 10 points, tilt |
Figure/Picture/Images need to be inserted separately as .jpg or .png files and must be referenced in the text, for example see Figure 1. The image description is placed below the image and written in Tahoma, 9pt.
Figure 1.Typical wireless sensor node architecture.
3.2. Equations, formulas and codes
Equations and formulas. All equations and formulas must be referred to in the text using consecutive numbers in brackets, see equation (1) for an example. The displayed equation or formula should be centered and placed on a separate line with additional space above and below. They must be numbered for reference and the numbers must be sequential, with the numbers enclosed in brackets and placed in the right margin.
a+b=c. (1)
Equations and formulas must be punctuated like normal text, but with a space before the punctuation.
Code. The list of programs or commands in the text is set in typewriter font (CMTT10 or Courier) and referenced in the text.
Example of a Computer Program from Motaz Abdel A., (2013) Starting programming using Object Pascal. Legally Free Computer Books, USA.
- Project1 program;
- {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- utility
- {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
- thread c,
- Class { You can add units after this };
- {$IFDEF WINDOW}{$R project1.rc}{$ENDIF}
- start
- end.
4. Conclusion
Make 1 paragraph based on the previous analysis and make it short, clear but sharp. The conclusion should match its novelty and title. Don't deviate from the main discussion.
5. References
References in this article use APA (American Psychological Association) REFERENCE STYLE, all references must be in the same format as those at the end of this document and the reference list must include all cited literature. We recommend authors to use a management reference system (Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, etc.)à examples:
Caroline, C., Sumiati, S., 2023. Taxation in the Modern Economy: An In-Depth Analysis of Policy Frameworks, Economic Implications, and Strategic Approaches for Sustainable Financial Development. International Journal of Society Reviews, Vol, 1 No.2: p.363-374, accessed from,5&cluster=4174919886406042461
Deen, Thaufiq., Ong Argo Victoria & Sumain. 2018. Public Notary Services in Malaysia. JURNAL AKTA, Vol. 5, No. 4: p.1017-1026. Doi: 10.30659/akta.v5i4.4135, accessed from
Hajar, Ibnu, & Mubarok, Umam Alfi. 2023. Peningkatan Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Konteks Dukungan Sosial. in Jurnal Riset Bisnis Indonesia, Vol. 20, No. 1: p.56-64 url:, accessed on 18 September 2023, at 5:00 pm
Victoria, Ong Argo. Ade Riusma Ariyana, Devina Arifani. 2020. Code of Ethics and Position of Notary in Indonesia. Sultan Agung Notary Law Review, Vol. 2 No. 4: p.397-407, Doi: 10.30659/sanlar.2.4.397-407,
Handoko, B.L., Lindawati, A.S.L., Budiarto, A.Y. 2020. Using Mixed Reality to Provide Experience for Internship Students in the Field of Auditing Studies During Covid 19. In The 2020 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-commerce Engineering (EBEE 2020), December 29-31, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand. ACM, New York, NY, USA, p.9.
Daft L, Richard. 2020. Manajemen. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Danim, Sudarwan, 2020. Motivasi Kepemimpinan dan Efektivitas Kelompok. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Hariandja, Marihot Tua Efendi, 2020. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo
MFG. “Management Financial Group - The easy finway”., accessed on 13 December 2024
The World Factbook—(Rank Order—Public debt). CIA. 17 April 2020. https:………………………….… accessed on 8 May 2024
Law No……
Government Regulation No…..
Interview with Mr./Mrs.………………….as………………….., on September 21, 2024