is a scientific publication containing research article, case report and review article in Law area. This journal is published by the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Sultan Agung three time a year. This journal gives a good opportunities for law researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners that came from Indonesia and abroad to express the idea about technology and update in law. The aim of this journal is to develop and improve knowledge especially in law area.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

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Posted: 2020-02-01 | |
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Vol 11, No 3 (2024): Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum
Table of Contents
Kristiawanto Kristiawanto
Erwin Owan Hermansyah Soetoto
Itok Dwi Kurniawan, Arsyad Aldyan, Ismawati Septiningsih, Muhammad Rustamaji, Bambang Santoso, Jose Gama Santos
Hamja Hamja
Ning Adiasih, Gandes Candra Kirana, Ehsonov Jasurbek Rustamovich
Idha Aprilyana Sembiring, Zulfi Chairi, Utary Maharany Barus
Ruddy Tri Santoso, Arum Widiastuti
Heber Bombang Sapan, Bahtiar Husain, Rokhmat Rokhmat, Ahmad Makbul, Ahmed Kheir Osman