Human Resource Performance Model Based on Intrinsic Motivation, Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment at Makmur Mandiri Cooperative
This study aims to examine the influence of intrinsic motivation, organizational culture, organizational commitment as mediating variables to improve HR performance at KSP Makmur Mandiri. The research method used is explanatory research through a quantitative approach using questionnaire data media as a tool to reveal the influence of intrinsic motivation, organizational culture, organizational commitment as mediating variables to improve HR performance. The questionnaire was assisted by an online-based google form. This study took the population at KSP Makmur Mandiri and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total of 120 respondents from KSP Makmur Mandiri, West Java Branch (Cirebon Regency, Kuningan, Cirebon City) and Central Java (Brebes-Semarang). Data analysis was carried out using SEM-PLS 4.0 and the results of the study proved that intrinsic motivation and work commitment had an effect on HR performance, while organizational culture had no effect on HR performance. Meanwhile, organizational commitment can mediate the influence of organizational culture on HR performance while organizational commitment has no effect on mediating intrinsic motivation variables on HR performance.
Keywords: Culture; Intrinsic; Motivation; Organizational.
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