Effectiveness Of Restorative Justice Implementation In Handling Abuse

Dedi Wahyudi


The purpose of this study is to determine, review and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of restorative justice in handling abuse crimes. To determine, review and analyze the obstacles to the implementation of restorative justice in handling abuse crimes and their solutions. The method used by the researcher is the type of research is normative juridical and the types of approaches used in this study include: The Statute Approach and the Legal Concept Analysis Approach (Analytical & Conceptual Approach). The secondary data sources are obtained from literature studies. Based on the results of the study, the effectiveness of the implementation of restorative justice in handling abuse crimes shows significant effectiveness in various aspects of law enforcement and social recovery. Restorative justice not only repairs the relationship between victims and perpetrators but also offers a more humane solution and focuses on recovery rather than punishment alone. Through this approach, victims have the opportunity to convey their experiences directly to the perpetrators, which in turn allows the perpetrators to understand the impact of their actions and show greater responsibility. Obstacles to the implementation of restorative justice in handling criminal acts of abuse are the conditions and motivations of the parties in the process, the community's ignorance of the authority of restorative justice by investigators, and the minimal role of the community as a social control and cultural factors in society responding to the enactment of a law. To overcome the obstacles to the implementation of restorative justice in handling criminal acts of abuse, it is necessary to empower restorative justice into the criminal law system through a legal regulation that regulates the implementation of restorative justice at the police level.


Effectiveness, Implementation, Restorative Justice, Criminal Acts of Abuse


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.%25p


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