Table of Contents
The Legal Policy on Traffic Breaches by Children Under Age/Minors
Wahyu Lurus Stiyo Budi, Bambang Tri Bawono
361 - 368
Simultaneous Regional Election Polemics in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Adib Althof Rusydi, Achmad Sulchan
369 - 375
The Legal Analysis of Signature Forgestion Handling Process in Land Selling by PPAT
Siti Mutmainah, Hepy Hapsari
376 - 385
Legal Protection against Women Which Do Criminal Actions of Abortion from Victims of Rape for Justice
Farida Farida, Sri Kusriyah
386 - 395
Restorative Justice Approach in Diversion System for Settlement of Criminal Cases for Children in Indonesia
Sarwadi Sarwadi, Bambang Tri Bawono
396 - 402
The Law Enforcement in Pressing Traffic Accident which Resulting Death
Kadek Oka Suparta, Ira Alia Maerani
396 - 410
The Concept of Criminal Law for Personnel of Narcotics Abuse
Dhian Artwitadibrata, Akhmad Khisni
411 - 418
Criminal Responsibility of Criminals Defamation on Advocate Name
Bambang Lasimin Arek, Umar Ma'ruf
419 - 427
Role of Police in Respecting Crimes on Prisoners Who Get Asimilation & Conditioned Delivery Due to Plague of Covid-19
Lilik Purwoko, Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah
428 - 435