Settlement of Disputes on Determination of Compensation for Land Acquisition for the Construction of Fast Train Lines in Karawang Regency

Atikah Reviana Parawansa


The results of the study indicate that land acquisition for railway tracks which are public roads is included in land acquisition for public interest, as stated in Article 10 letter b of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest Law No. 2 of 2012 Land for Public Interest as referred to in Article 4 paragraph 1 is used for development. One of the current land acquisitions in Indonesia is the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train, the construction of this Fast Train has been planned since early 2016, the main purpose of the construction of the Fast Train is as a modern means of transportation connecting DKI Jakarta Province with West Java Province, especially Bandung City, which allows travel to take only a short time. Land acquisition is a series of activities to provide land, the definition of land acquisition is any activity to obtain land by providing compensation to those entitled to the land. The procedure that must be taken is by releasing or handing over land rights. The definition of releasing or handing over land rights is the activity of releasing the legal relationship between the holder of land rights and the land they control by providing compensation on the basis of deliberation. A dispute is a condition where a party feels disadvantaged by another party, which then the party conveys its dissatisfaction to the second party if a condition shows a difference of opinion, then what is called the dispute occurs. As for land disputes, Regulation of the Head of the Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2011 concerning Management of Land Case Assessment and Handling distinguishes land cases into land disputes, land conflicts, and land cases.

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