The Juridical Implications of Making the Deed of Statement of Meeting Resolutions Made by a Notary as the Basis for Amendments to the Articles of Association of a Limited Liability Company

Satyananda Adhi Saksena


Notaries as public officials have a very important position in helping to create certainty, order and legal protection for the community. As a public official, a Notary is presented with the intention of helping and serving the public who need evidence with authentic written evidence regarding circumstances, events or legal actions. The research method used is a normative juridical approach and the specifications in this study include descriptive analysis. The sources and types of data in this study are secondary data obtained from literature studies. Based on the results of the research that (1) the legal position of the presence of a notary who gave birth to a decision at a company meeting can be examined through the deed made by the notary. The deed of amendment to the articles of association is made based on an authentic deed which has a perfect proof, especially in the amendment to the articles of association itself which is an agreement whose legal relationship is regulated and recognized by law; (2) Notaries have a fairly dominant role in limited liability companies which are required by UUPT 2007 in relation to the use of certain deeds which are required to be authentic. So it is required for Notaries to provide legal certainty for public order that requires their services.

Keywords: Amendments; Associationl; Decisions; Notary.

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