The Juridical Analysis of Court Decisions on Money Laundering Deliches Committed by A Notary in Criminal Cases

Devi Yuana Manggarsari


The purpose of this study is to determine the qualifications of money laundering offenses committed by notaries regulated in legislation and to understand the legal consequences of court decisions regarding money laundering offenses committed by notaries. This type of research is normative law research using a case study of the decision of the West Jakarta District Court Number 250/Pid.B/2022/PN JKBRT dated 16 August 2022 concerning money laundering in order to find out the progress of the judge's decision and the reasons used by the judge in decide the case. The results showed first, that the qualifications for money laundering offenses committed by notaries are regulated in Act No. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes where the main offense is to hide or disguise the origin of sources, assets which he knows or reasonably suspects are proceeds of crime. The qualification for the offense of concealing or disguising the origins of the decision is not clearly described in the decision so that the Notary should not be entangled in the second money laundering case.

Keywords: Forgery; Laundering; Notary.

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