Implications of the Correctional System on the Right to Integration of Prisoners
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the Correctional Institution system that provides integration rights to prisoners.. In this writing, the author uses a normative legal method with a descriptive analysis research specification. Departing from the rights of prisoners stated in Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections and the 10 principles of corrections, especially the fifth point which emphasizes that during the loss of freedom of movement, prisoners and students must be introduced to and must not be isolated from society. This principle conveys the message that prisoners are not marginalized people. That prisoners are restricted in their movements because they are in prison, and as long as their freedom is reduced does not mean that they are isolated from society. Step by step, prisoners get leniency, including visits from friends, family, friends, community organizations. And in accordance with the development of their guidance in accordance with the stages in their correctional process, the opportunity to meet, gather and be in the middle of the community environment will be given. So as one form of implementing the fifth principle, namely the granting of integration rights (conditional release, conditional leave and leave before release).
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