Legal Analysis of the Criminal Acts of Corruption in the Procurement of Goods and Services by State Civil Apparatus Based on Discretion
Abstract. In procuring goods and services, a government must comply with applicablelaw sander gulations, one of which hcan beuseda sagui deline in the applicablelaws and regulation sand the Presidential Regulation concerning Procurementof Good sand Services. Revenueand Expenditure Budget Regions/States(APBD/APBN) which is contrary to statutory regulations. In the management there are regulations regarding regional finances, namely the Regulation of the Ministe rof Home Affairs Number 13 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for Regional Financial Management. If not managed properly, criminal sanctionsor administrative sanctions may beimposed.To conduct a study in this research, the author used EmpiricalJurisprudential Method. EmpiricalJuris prudential Researchis research that using a method of approaching problems by looking at norms or The lawapplies asapositive provision, alongwith there levant theory with this paper by linking its implementation to the considerations- consideration of court judge's decision and approach to a caseand comparativeapproach..
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