Implementation of Termination of Prosecution in the Criminal Action of Motor Vehicle Embasement Based on Restorative Justice
Abstract. Fraud or embezzlement is one form of crime that is grouped into crimes against people's property. Provisions regarding this crime are generally regulated in Article 378 to Article 395 of Book II Chapter XXV of the Criminal Code. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the Implementation of Termination of Prosecution in the crime of Motor Vehicle Embezzlement based on restorative justice at this time; to determine and analyze the obstacles in the implementation of Termination of Prosecution in the crime of Motor Vehicle Embezzlement based on restorative justice at this time; and to determine and analyze the Implementation of Termination of Prosecution in the crime of Motor Vehicle Embezzlement based on restorative justice in the future. The type of research conducted in this study is a normative legal approach. The implementation of the termination of prosecution in the crime of motor vehicle embezzlement based on restorative justice at the Klaten District Attorney's Office has been implemented in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Attorney General's Regulation Number 15 of 2020. The termination of prosecution is carried out responsibly by considering the consent of the victim and the perpetrator and the fulfillment of subjective and objective requirements, such as the suspect is committing a crime for the first time, the criminal threat is not more than five years, there is a peace agreement, the restoration of the original condition by the suspect, and community support. However, this implementation faces major obstacles, namely the time limitation of 14 days in the statutory regulations which is considered not comparable to the process of terminating prosecution and cultural factors in the form of low awareness of victims to forgive the perpetrator.
Keywords: Embezzlement; Justice; Prosecution; Restorative.
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