Implementation of the Search Process in the Framework of Law Enforcement Based on Humanitarian Values

Fahri Gunawan


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze legal protection for perpetrators of criminal acts due to searches that do not respect humanitarian values. The research method in this study uses an empirical legal approach. Based on the study, it is concluded that legal protection for perpetrators of criminal acts due to searches that do not respect humanitarian values. Searches that do not respect humanitarian values not only violate the human rights of perpetrators of criminal acts, but also damage the integrity of the legal system itself. Soerjono Soekanto's law enforcement theory shows that harmonization between legal structures, legal substances, and legal culture is very necessary to ensure that legal actions are carried out fairly and humanely.

Keywords: Enforcement; Humanitarian; Searches; Values.


Keywords: Enforcement; Humanitarian; Searches; Values.

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