Marital Rape Reviewed from the Perspective of Islamic Law and Indonesian Positive Law
Abstract. Marital rape cases often do not receive enough attention in society, especially because of the assumption that sexual relations in marriage are the absolute right of the husband. From the perspective of Islamic law and positive Indonesian law, there are different views regarding the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of married couples. This study aims to examine how Islamic law and positive Indonesian law regulate and view acts of marital rape, as well as their implications for the protection of human rights, especially women. This study uses a normative legal method with a comparative approach. Data were obtained through a literature study of primary and secondary legal sources, including the Qur'an, Hadith, Laws, and related legal documents. The analysis was carried out by comparing the principles of Islamic law and the provisions of positive Indonesian law, including the Criminal Code and the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (UU PKDRT). The results of the study show that Islamic law emphasizes the importance of relationships based on consent and respect for partners, while positive Indonesian law has recognized marital rape as a form of violence that can be punished through the PKDRT Law. However, the implementation of this law still faces challenges, especially in terms of culture and public awareness. Thus, synergistic efforts are needed between legal education, law enforcement, and women's empowerment to ensure better protection.
Keywords: Domestic; Islamic; Marital; Positive; Violence.
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