Juridical Analysis of the Urgency of Restorative Justice in Resolving Minor Crime Cases
This research aims to analyze the urgency of restorative justice in resolving minor criminal cases. Restorative Justice is a model for resolving criminal cases that prioritizes restoration of victims, perpetrators and society. The main principle of Restorative Justice is the participation of victims and perpetrators, participation of citizens as facilitators in resolving cases, so that there is a guarantee or the perpetrator will no longer disturb the harmony that has been created in society. Crime prevention through criminal law policy will be effective if crime prevention is not only aimed at resolving a crime case by imposing a sentence on the perpetrator. Resolving cases in the spirit of restorative justice must be able to find a solution that is fair and brings mutual benefits (win-win solution) for both parties, both the victim and the perpetrator. This research uses a normative juridical approach method, with analytical descriptive research specifications. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from library research, which was then analyzed qualitatively. The results of this research are first, the legal doctrine that still applies is that criminal cases cannot be mediated. The criminal justice process is a laboratory of common sense because it tests the truth of legal facts through the lens of law and conscience to produce truth and justice for perpetrators and victims. Dengan pemikiran tersebut perlu adanya pemikiran untuk menyelesaikan perkara pidana melalui jalur mediasi penal sebagai upaya untuk menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi secara menyeluruh sehingga para pihak yang berperkara dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan kesadaran sendiri dan mengutamakan saling pengertian dan penghormatan kepada hak-hak korban. Kedua Hambatan yang paling dominan yaitu singkatnya waktu dalam penanganan perkara dimana yang telah diatur dalam Perja Penghentian Penuntutan dan hambatan lainnya yaitu rendahnya pemahaman untuk saling memaafkan antar korban terhadap tersangka yang dapat menghambat dalam proses perdamaian.
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Undang – Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945
Kitab Undang – Undang Hukum Pidana
Kitab Undang – Undang Acara Pidana
Undang- Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak
Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 tentang Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia
Peraturan Kejaksaan Nomor 15 Tahun 2020 tentang Restorative Justice
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.2.%25p
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